Is Pope Francis undergoing treatment with New Age alternative therapies?


					JULY 6, 2014


Is Pope Francis undergoing treatment with New Age alternative therapies?


By all indications, he is.

If the information in the print and electronic media is true, then it is a very sad, indeed tragic day, for the Catholic Church.

Considering that one of the reasons for the existence of this ministry is to expose New Age whenever, wherever and by whomsoever it is practised or propagated by authority figures in the Catholic Church, I am left with no alternative but to be impartial and publish this report too since it concerns the Pope himself.


Catholic readers must be aware of the February 3, 2003 Pontifical Document “Jesus Christ the Bearer of the Water of Life, A Christian Reflection on the New Age”. It may be viewed at

The Document “is the fruit of the common reflection of the Working Group on New Religious Movements, composed of staff members of different dicasteries of the Holy See: the Pontifical Councils for Culture and for Interreligious Dialogue (which are the principal redactors for this project), the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

These reflections are offered primarily to those engaged in pastoral work so that they might be able to explain how the New Age movement differs from the Christian faith.


There are two separate, unique cases of documentation concerning Pope Francis’ dalliance with New Age healers.

The first instance is his apparently abandoning conventional medicine and choosing as his personal physician a Taoist monk named Liu Ming, and it goes back to the time when Pope Francis was Jorge Bergoglio, the Cardinal-Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In its October 2013 issue, the Spanish language Argentinean magazine TAO ran a story on the association between them.

The following picture of Liu Ming with Cardinal Bergoglio (now Pope Francis) appeared on the cover of TAO:












Liu Ming has prophesied that Pope Francis will live to the age of 140 years.

Liu Ming reveals the occult secrets of Chinese cuisine and food, offers predictions of the future, practices divination, and instructs the Pope on the finer points of Taoism, educating him that there is no difference between the Tao and the Personal Being Who is the Christians’ God. He conducts acupuncture, Chinese traditional massage, and manipulation (‘re-directing’) of life force energy on the Pope.

The philosophies of the Tao are incompatible with and inimical to Christianity.


Complicating the issue and providing more ammunition to the critics who believe that Pope Francis’ unorthodox speech and actions are now influenced by the “the Taoist medicine-philosophy-religion” are such statements of the Pope, no matter how well intentioned — and how valiantly defended by Catholic apologists whom I agree with — as when he said “I believe in God, not in a Catholic God; there is no Catholic God”., October 1, 2013.

A scandalized Traditionalist site describes that greatly publicised line of Pope Francis to his “spontaneity – so unbefitting a Sovereign Pontiff – to practice one of the principal requirements of Taoism.”


The practices of acupuncture, New Age massage, and manipulation of ‘universal’ or ‘cosmic’ energy are explained to be incompatible with the Christian faith in the above-referred Vatican Document.

A detailed explanation of the same along with the documentation of Pope Francis’ association with Liu Ming, the Taoist monk, is available in this ministry’s report:




The second instance is Pope Francis’ reported invitation to a Goan Indian psychic healer named Patrick San Francesco to be his personal guest at the Vatican and to address the “conclave of Cardinals”; the report which appeared in a Mumbai, India, publication, Mid-day, on June 24, 2014, also says that Pope Francis enabled the faith healer to meet the Cardinals’ “Islamic equivalent in Turkey”.



Patrick San Francesco, like the Taoist monk Liu Ming, manipulates the ‘divine energy of the universe’ for healing. Liu Ming believes (and has taught Pope Francis) that the impersonal Tao and the personal God of the Christians are the same truth. Patrick San Francesco regards the Supreme Being as “the Absolute”.

What Patrick San Francesco practices on his ‘patients’ is Pranic Healing, although he does not call it so; he even conducts “Meditations on the Full Moon” which pranic healing adepts call “Meditation on Twin Hearts” and which takes place on full moon nights. The “twin hearts” of the “Meditation on Twin Hearts” are two specific chakras (the so-called heart and crown chakra) of the esoteric chakra system that one encounters in kundalini yoga. Patrick San Francesco engages in chakra cleansing, which again is the manipulation of the occult life force energy that the 2003 Vatican Document warns Catholics about.


While the TAO story confirms that Liu Ming was presented a copy of the occult I Ching by the Pope, and conducted acupuncture, Chinese massage and “re-directing” of Pope Francis’ supposed energy fields to heal him of his diabetes, liver and heart conditions for at least the eight years leading up to his election as Pope (it is not clear if Pope Francis still consults Liu Ming although he keeps giving news bytes on the Pope’s recently reported poor health), the Mid-day story does not say if Patrick San Francesco treated the Pope or not.

If New Age healer Patrick San Francesco has indeed been honoured by Pope Francis at the Vatican — and he has, as admitted by him to us this morning (see page 18 of the report 06) — it is only a matter of technicality concerning whether or not the Pope physically submitted himself to his New Age therapies.


A detailed explanation of the same along with the documentation of Pope Francis’ association with Patrick San Francesco, the Indian New Age healer, is available in this ministry’s report:

JULY 2014

Categories: Alternative Therapy, Eastern Meditation, new age

1 reply

  1. One deos not know if our Holy Father is still practicing this as of no, do we? And I am sure he will welcome letters of his sheep speaking of the dangers we forsee of him doing such things.

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